investors that would like to immigrate to Québec can apply through the Québec Investor Program. The successful candidates that qualify will be issued a “Certificat de Sélection du Québec”, which they can use to apply for Permanent Residency to Canada. As a Permanent Resident, you will have the same services as Canadians, excluding the right to vote and to be issued a passport.

To be eligible for this Investor Program, you must:

  • To have, either alone or with your accompanying spouse, net assets of at least $1 600 000 CAD that were obtained legally. The amounts received as donations less than 6 months before the application was filed will not be considered.
  • Have 2 years management experience over the course of the 5 years preceding the application in a legal farming, commercial or industrial business, or in a legal professional business where other staff members occupied at least two full-time positions. It may also be an international agency, a government, or one of its departments or agencies. The applicant must have had responsibilities with regards to planning and management as well as control over financial, human, or material resources.
  • Intend to settle in Québec and invest $800 000 CAD through a financial intermediary that is authorized to participate in the Investor Program. This investment can be financed by the brokers and trust companies such as we are offering. The investment is for a period of 5 years and is guaranteed by the Government of Québec.


Our Partners offer a complete financing service for your application along with our partnering financial institution, one of such approved institutions by the Québec Government.

What that means:

An applicant will not have to put $800 000 CAD of their own money aside for 5 years. Rather, we will have the investment financed at a cost of $230 000 CAD. This amount will cover the financing of the loan from a chartered Canadian bank that will be done in your name as well as processing and other fees. This amount will not be returned to the applicant.

This option prevents you from having to exile such a large amount of money for 5 years. Instead, you can rest easy and focus on your family’s future in Canada.